Tenant Protections passed the State Senate –Calls needed to Assembly Members

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Today, the California State Senate PASSED the Tenant Protection Act of 2019!

Thank you for contacting your State Senator.  Now we have one more call to make. We are SO CLOSE to winning protections for tenants in California.

Governor Gavin Newsom has committed to signing this bill - but now it needs to overcome one FINAL hurdle: the Assembly, through a process known as concurrence which will happen as soon as tomorrow. It isn't a sure thing. There are votes needed.

 See what is at stake and why to pass AB 1482!

Call Assembly member Rebecca Bauer-Kahan today.  Her local office number is (925) 328-1515. She is hearing from big real estate and we need our faith voices calling and saying, "This won't hurt landlords who treat tenants fairly. It stops rent gouging and unjust evictions. It is the right thing to do."

We are grateful to the Assembly Members who have co-authored and said they will support the bill.  Now, we must give Assm. Bauer-Kahan the ability to say my constituents wanted this bill passed and I support it too.  Urge a yes on AB 1482.

Please pass this email on to your friends and family.  Let's get this done for the families renting in our community.

Thank you,

Melody Howe Weintraub
Chair, Steering Committee
Multi-faith ACTION Coalition



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